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  • Jour 5: Guanabo
  • Jour 5: Guanabo
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Discover Cuba differently in 7 days (Varadero to Havana)

Day 5: Guanabo

I get up really early, around 4am. I go for a short walk to the small park where Internet access is possible. While walking, I realize that there is a nightclub 200 meters from my house and it's still partying... It's really not my style! I'm more of a morning person!!! It's not the same rhythm for everyone. I go back to bed and I sleep again, phew. Here is the daily pollution on the beach. People don't use the trash cans. I often saw people throwing trash on the ground. I even almost got knocked out twice by a can when I was riding my bike. People throw their debris directly onto the asphalt road.

Yesterday I learned some sad news... ** My friend Dominic Brouillet died at the age of 43.

Farewell my friend! I will enjoy life in your honor!!! I feel like I see you on the eyes pour down a rain that blurs my vision!

Today's goal: Enjoy... I find really cheap coffee at 2 CUP ($0.12). It's a small, well-hidden kiosk!

I also talk to tourists who are there for months. The reason for their trip is a bit special. They are people looking for body heat. It's not my style, really not! I'm going to change the subject because it disgusts me... I now have to change my money because I've been living on 140 CUC ($200) for almost 5 days. There are two options available to me: the bank with an endless line or the exchange house (Cadeca) with a line of 10 people. I choose the modest line... The very important thing when you're in the Cuban line is to ask who is the last one (el ultimo). This is the only person to follow with their eyes. This last one knows who to follow and so on. When a new person arrives, they become el ultimo. It's magic! The Cuban line is very chaotic, but when you know how it works, everything becomes simpler. I change $300 and get 222.55 CUC. This is a very good exchange rate compared to the airport... Except that I later learn that the CUC currency is set to disappear. The same rumor had circulated several years ago. Then I change 20 CUC and get 480 CUP. Wow a fortune!!!

I will be able to buy myself more than 96 ham rolls with this amount. Lucky that my religion allows me to do so! We must not forget that everything is expensive in Cuba. Old cars in good condition are worth 30,000 to 50,000 CUC. The price of chips is 4 CUC (100 CUP) or $5.60. I will pass my turn.

I opt for a healthier option instead. I buy myself some tomatoes, a chili pepper, an onion and some Yuca for only 20 CUP ($1.20)

Yuca looks like a potato when boiled. It is very good with salt. Of course, you have to remove its tough skin. A Cuban showed me the trick to remove the skin easily... In the photo, I didn't know this trick yet!

I take a long walk on the beach, I discover a very special bouquet washed up on the edge of the sea. I capture the moment... I will understand the meaning later! (See the episode of the goat tomorrow!)

A ruined building, but people occupy the second floor, because the first floor was devastated by a storm.

I walk and walk again. I move away from the center to discover pretty little houses. Here is a little girl who is very free, I titled this photo: Freedom in the nude

Did you find the little girl? I'm going back to the beach.

I see a 4-star hotel. I ask the guard if I can go to the reception to find out the price for one night. He lets me pass and I can see several Italians who are enjoying an all-inclusive stay. The price for one night is 131 CUC ($183) Ummmm no thanks.!!! That's the amount I spent in five days!!! I prefer to eat yuca and sleep in my modest room. I return to the central park and watch the children playing with beautiful games.

A permanent hopscotch.

I'm going to buy some pastries. It's quite strange. There are two separate shops in the same pastry shop. On the left is the section where you have to pay in CUC. The desserts are more tempting and more expensive.

And on the right the CUP section the line is huge and the prices are lower. The desserts are very simple and cost 1 CUP ($0.06)

Very special...A two-speed system! In the evening I chat with Nelson and Nancy. We go to eat a pizza on the corner of the street for 20 CUP ($1.20). I meet Georgio, an Italian retiree.

Very nice day again!!!

Thank you thank you!


Discover Cuba differently in 7 days (Varadero to Havana)

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