Collection: Proposal: Extend the URBAN cycling network Sherbrooke Vélo

West sector of Sherbrooke

An objective for 2022 would be to extend the network easily to develop active transportation among Sherbrooke residents.

The missing end would be easily achievable by simply drawing a protective strip on the roadway for cyclists.

1. Starting point

Under the Jacques Cartier Bridge in front of the Hydro-Sherbrooke head office. Currently, this section is not plowed and it is very dangerous in winter.

The circuit could join the new university pavilion located in the old building of La Tribune via rue Roy.

Then, the route could join the existing network on rue Cabana to access rue Galt Ouest.

2. Corner Galt-Cabana

The development of the next portion would be to protect urban cyclists on rue Galt Ouest from Provigo Matthieu Aubé to the Galt-Université intersection. (Tim Hortons)

3. Access to shops and schools

It is essential to create an access road for cyclists on rue Galt Ouest in order to allow access to businesses, primary schools (St-Esprit and Champlain), secondary school (Triolet) and the education center for adults Eastern Townships (New Horizons).

David Beauchesne

Urban cyclist 4 seasons

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