(History) Warwick Town Hall
This imposing residence, erected in 1899, was built by Etienne Valcourt, the first doctor to settle in Warwick. He had acquired this part of lot 12 of the first range in 1875 and unfortunately died before seeing the completion of the construction of the residence. His widow and his son Gustave remained in the residence until 1937 when the building was sold to Lionel Kirouac, a well-known industrialist in the village.
The town of Warwick acquired it in 1957 to house the town hall.
The original building, consisting of an imposing square topped with a low-pitched pavilion roof, will be slightly modified over the years, particularly at the main entrance. Highly framed by smoothed and polished stones, the corner tower located to the northwest forms the side entrance to this Victorian-style building which, like several other residences in the city, is of particular architectural and heritage interest in the town of Warwick.
Source: City Hall (photo)

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