Cerro Chirripo National Park (Parque Nacional Chirripo)
I liked the #Parque #National #chirripo #costarica #puravida
The first four kilometers are free, but to go to the top you must have a permit and you must reserve at least 6 months in advance!!!
I'm sad, I'm next!!! I try by all means to find tickets but it is very difficult! Every Tuesday, they release a few tickets...
Mount Chirripo is the highest peak in Costa Rica. It culminates at more than 3800 meters. The ascent must be done in 2 days! A night is necessary on the way!
I climbed the first 4 kilometers 4 times in a week just to keep in shape! The first 3 km are very difficult!
The landscapes are amazing!
The climate changes as you go up! At the 4th kilometer, it is about 20 degrees for an altitude of 2200 meters! It's refreshing, since it's summer here!!!
The highest peak in Costa Rica is wonderful! Next time I will book months and months in advance!!!

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