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Jour 12: San Juan del sur

Day 12: San Juan del Sur

I still get up very early a little after the hens and roosters. I see Fernand's boat. If you want to understand what I'm referring to, take a few minutes to listen to this superb song by Alexandre Poulin . The view from the beach is still wonderful. The lunch prepared by Maria is very good. It is composed of "Gallo Pinto" that is to say rice with frioles, salted cheese, plantains, a sweet banana and two eggs. This is Maria and her husband Luis. I take this opportunity to ask questions about the drinking water supply in this very remote area. First of all, you should know that there are three possible sources. 1. The well This water is not drinkable, but is used to "flush" the toilet with a bucket. 2. Black tank Water in a black tank with a capacity of 1100 liters is not drinkable. The latter is filled by a large tank truck free of charge. The main use of this water is to wash clothes, floors or take a shower with a bucket. 3. The white tank The water which is in a white tank with a capacity of 1100 liters is drinkable. Maria and Luis have to pay 400 cordobas ($16 Cad) to have it filled with drinking water by a tank truck. Luis bought several faulty freezers to use as extra tanks. A used freezer costs about 250 Cordobas ($10 Cad). When you brush your teeth, think about it? A superb parrot constantly monologue... I enjoy the ocean all morning. To see the video click on this link. In the afternoon, I take the road to San Juan del sur. It is a very popular resort here. It's a place where you can find everything. I rented a very clean room with a shower for $15 USD. Here is a view of the giant Jesus statue that overlooks the bay. The church is very pretty with the holiday decor. I take this opportunity to go and collect myself for a few moments at the church. Finally, I head for the evening show. You can see the huge statue of Jesus which looks tiny in front of so much beauty. It was my last show of this trip, it was moving! Tomorrow, I will be in Costa Rica and I will have in my thoughts all the good times spent in this wonderful country which is Nicaragua. A smile costs nothing, smile!

David Beauchesne

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