Start very early to face the challenge of 125 km. The road is very dangerous, the trucks are omnipresent and the statistics on road accidents are frightening.

I am very careful... I eat a small snack that I bought several days ago. It is a mixture of coconuts, it is very good and in addition it is in a biodegradable packaging!!!

A day without too many stories, I can't wait to get back to the sea. Camaguey was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008. It's a very beautiful city with neoclassical architecture and a historic center in colonial style. Here is the view from my terrace of the house in which I rent my room.

The police car is quite comical!

I decided to treat myself to a Chop Suey in a Chinese restaurant tonight! It cost 5 Cuc (125 Cup). Normally I eat 10 Cup pizza or spaghetti.

Beautiful day! David Beauchesne