Road, more road... It's a road that cuts through the fields in two. The wind is very strong and it is in the opposite direction.

The best moment of the day was meeting this Cuban family who gave me water to fill my water bottles.

I stop at a small blue stand to eat and drink.

The messages on the road are inspiring.

Our unity is now stronger than ever. Raúl Castro
95 km day on the road...

In the evening, I have a good chat with my host who is a former university professor. He preferred to give up teaching to rent rooms. It pays more for him!!! Tomorrow I'm heading to Camaguey...located 120 km away. Watch the summary of my route:
https://www.strava.com/activities/1077405623/shareable_images/map_based?hl=fr-FR&v=1499721551 David Beauchesne